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Closings & Delays

If you wish to receive delay/closure alerts and are not already connected to a student in Remind, please click the link below to be added to the Trojan Country Remind group!
Class Code:  @eg7g79

We understand that our decision to delay or close school in bad weather has a big impact on families. We also understand that our students are better served academically and socially by being in school. As always, our top priority is the safety of our students on the bus, walking, or driving to school. 

Our Superintendent, Director of Operations, Assistant Superintendent, and Transportation Supervisor begin to closely watch the weather, starting between 4:30 and 5:00 a.m.

Weather radar, radio, and TV stations are monitored and roads are driven to visually document the weather. Contact with our other staff members as well as other area superintendents is extremely important in this process to see if weather conditions are different and changing in our county school areas. Once a decision is made, it is relayed to our staff members, FCS families through the Remind platform, our website, and local radio and TV stations.

Although we do our absolute best, we know that often there is no perfect decision. The fact that our high school and middle schools start earlier than our elementary schools makes our decisions extremely difficult when ice or fog are involved. Please use your best judgment if you do not feel that it is safe for your child to attend school.