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Reporting an Absence

Findlay City Schools Attendance Policy with image of school and map icon

Findlay City Schools now only needs one point of contact for an absence. Report your child’s absence prior to or on the day of each absence, and you no longer have to send in a note when he/she returns to school! 

If you do not contact the school when your child is out, you are still required to send in a note when they return. Also, a medically excused absence will still require a medical note from a doctor.

Please see the information below, which can also be found in our Student Handbooks:

Revised August 2023

In accordance with Ohio law students are expected to be in school every day on time, unless with a legitimate excuse. Parents are required by law to notify the school when a student will be absent and provide the reason for the absence. The District requires parents to notify the school by 9am on the morning of the absence by either calling the office and leaving a voicemail or emailing the school office to report the absence. If no contact is made between the home and the school on the morning of the absence, parents are required to send a note with the student explaining the absence immediately upon return to school otherwise the absence will be marked as unexcused.


You may also review Section J: Code JED of our Findlay City Schools Board Policy for further information.